Telling Your Financial Story

Telling Your Financial Story

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 25


Gillian Gorra, Experienced Manager, BDO FMA

This workshop focuses on key concepts and best practices in financial reporting and story-telling. We’ll explore the types of financial reports that should be generated for various audiences and at what frequency. We will also explore how to build a “team around the numbers” focused on financial results. Key concepts covered in this session will include:

  • Financial reporting best practices for board, leadership, and staff
  • Strategies for improved communication across functions
  • Telling a compelling financial story


Sponsored by BDO FMA

Meet Our New Executive Director!

Meet Our New Executive Director!

Please welcome Mónica Félix as the Chicago Cultural Alliance’s new Executive Director! If you did not get a chance to meet her in person at our Activating Heritage Networking Brunch, you will have another chance to meet her (at least virtually!) at our next Town Hall, Friday, April 1, 3pm. Register for that here.

Some of you may remember Mónica from her time working for DANK Haus German American Cultural Center! Here is a little more information on her background:

Mónica Félix has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago with specializations
in German and Russian literature and a B.A. in German and Linguistics from Lawrence University. She
began her career in public humanities with her role as the Museum Director of the DANK Haus
German American Cultural Center in Chicago. To support new programming for diverse audiences,
she formed partnerships with fellow Alliance organizations to plan an International Game Night,
secured funding for genealogy resources, and greatly expanded the museum internship program to
draw students from across Chicagoland.

Her nonprofit leadership experience continued when she stepped into the role of Chief Administrative
Officer of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), the principal learned society in the
United States for scholars whose work involves several literatures and cultures. As the ACLA’s first
CAO, she oversaw multi-year planning of the organization’s 3,000-attendee annual meeting,
implemented strategic planning, founded a development committee, established a new digital
infrastructure, and overhauled the membership management structure.

You can contact her at [email protected] or 312-858-8623. Mónica will be working on getting to know all of our Core and Partner Members in the coming weeks and months, and is very much looking forward to working with all of you!

Thank you so much for all of your support during our search for a new ED. It has meant a lot to the staff to have the wonderful Members of the Alliance supporting us with patience and kindness.

-Marie Rowley
Marketing and Communications Manager

Reevaluating Our Resources: Digital and Hybrid Events and Exhibitions for the Future

Reevaluating Our Resources: Digital and Hybrid Events and Exhibitions for the Future

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 25


Surinder Martignetti, Community Engagement Manager for See Chicago Dance

Frank Konrath, Media Specialist at See Chicago Dance

Kate Flynn, Portal Manager for Chicago Collections Consortium


Suzy Kahn Weinberg, Executive Producer of Big Shoulders Stories

Join Surinder Martignetti Frank Konrath from See Chicago Dance and Kate Flynn the Chicago Collections Consortium as they discuss the work of creating digital and hybrid events and exhibitions in the context of reevaluating our attitudes and understanding of these mediums. They’ll also consider how they can be thought of and seen as resources for future arts and cultural endeavors.

Thinking Creatively about Museum Collaborations and Partnerships

Thinking Creatively about Museum Collaborations and Partnerships

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 25


Patti Sherman-Cisler, Executive Director, Jewish Museum Milwaukee

Joe Imholte, Executive Vice President, Bakken Museum


Charity Counts, Executive Director, Association of Midwest Museums

In this session, speakers from two Midwest museums will share recent creative partnerships they’ve undertaken, and discuss the opportunities, challenges, and results of thinking creatively about collaborative projects.

Newsworthy Storytelling: Engaging New Audiences Through Media Outreach

Newsworthy Storytelling: Engaging New Audiences Through Media Outreach

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 24


Elizabeth Neukirch, senior vice president of The Silverman Group

In this interactive workshop, Elizabeth Neukirch will guide participants through the process of developing effective public relations campaigns from conception to execution, with a focus on engaging new audiences through storytelling in different news mediums (print, broadcast, online).

Through lecture and guided exercises, workshop participants will learn strategies to incorporate public relations into their organization’s marketing strategy, including: how to position the work of an organization in a newsworthy and timely manner; effectively communicating an event/initiative to the media using clear and concise language; crafting pitches to journalists that spark curiosity and conversation; and authentic, thoughtful ways to invite people to engage with an organization through earned media.