
Thanks for attending Activating Heritage 2022

Continue learning from our expert presenters with this collection of links, slides, and other resources that they have shared with you.

The Cultural Asset Mapping Project: Mapping Relationships

Latham Zearfoss, Cultural Liaison for the Cultural Asset Mapping Project, Chicago Parks District

Sojourner Zenobia, Artist and Chief Executive Office, Antara

Newsworthy Storytelling: Engaging New Audiences Through Media Outreach

Elizabeth Neukirch, Senior Vice President, The Silverman Group

What Cutting Edge Research Tells Us About How Arts and Culture Donors Are Behaving

Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand, Neon One

Oral History: From Past to Public

Erin McCarthy, Associate Professor of History; Interim Chair Communication Department, Columbia College Chicago

Peter Fitzpatrick, Professor of Photography; Special Advisor Community Engagement
Office of the Provost, Columbia College Chicago

Heidi Marshall, Head of Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago

Brianna Yrene Ramirez, Filmmaking (BA); Archives Assistant & Intern Columbia College Chicago

Adiam Belai Woldu, English (BA); Archives Assistant & Intern Columbia College Chicago

Jeremy Bucher, Collections & Archives Manager, National Hellenic Museum

Telling Your Financial Story

Gillian Gorra, Experienced Manager, BDO FMA

Thinking Creatively about Museum Collaborations and Partnerships

Patti Sherman-Cisler, Executive Director, Jewish Museum Milwaukee

Joe Imholte, Executive Vice President, Bakken Museum

Reevaluating Our Resources: Digital and Hybrid Events and Exhibitions for the Future

Surinder Martignetti, Community Engagement Manager for See Chicago Dance

Frank Konrath, Media Specialist at See Chicago Dance

Kate Flynn, Portal Manager for Chicago Collections Consortium


Access previous years' Activating Heritage resources below

Activating Heritage 2021

April 6-10

“Fostering Inclusion and
