Douglas 18 1401 S Sacramento Dr

RESCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 27TH! The LAWNDALE Cook Out hosted by Douglass 18 is a gathering to bring people from North Lawndale and South Lawndale together to promote Nature and Unity […]


Soup & Rice

Japanese American Service Committee 4427 N Clark St, Chicago, IL, United States

Are you ready to attend a community meal and support a good cause? Based on the idea of Soup & Bread community meals, we are hosting our own community meal […]

Kulturküche: Decorating Lebkuchenherz

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center 4740 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL, United States

Kulturküche: Decorating Lebkuchenherz 5th Floor Kitchen Friday, September 23rd 6:30 PM Join Zimt Bakery for a chance to decorate your very own Lebkuchenherz (gingerbread heart) with naturally colored glaze on […]

$20 – $30