Tinta Jazz

Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center 4046 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago, IL, United States

Reading of poems by Afro-Puerto Rican writer Mayra Santos-Febres in dialogue with the Alejandro Salazar Quartet. This multimedia event will feature video projections by Jose Arturo Ballester Panelli. The Segundo […]


The Sweetest Season: Indigenous Spoken Word and Song

Goodman Theatre 170 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL, United States

Since time immemorial, Chicago has been a meeting place for Native peoples. With words of wisdom, stories, and histories old and new, we expand traditions of performance with an evening of music, dance, and spoken word, featuring local artists in a program curated by Vincent Romero (Laguna Pueblo).


Livewire- NIAM’s Open Mic

National Indo-American Museum 815 S Main St, Lombard, IL, United States

Livewire is your Open Mic platform to jam, tell us a story, act your heart out, enthrall with a verse, drop the mic... You bring the talent we’ll bring the […]


Artecito Virtual – Caballo

Online Event

¡Los caballos tienen 10 músculos diferentes en las orejas y esto les permite girar casi 180 grados! ¡Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos más sobre los caballos con nuestros amigos en […]


Isla que Vuela

Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center 4046 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago, IL, United States

" Isla que vuela" es una instalación fotográfica de José Arturo Ballester Panelli. Trabaja la geometría sagrada , escogiendo el hexágono, símbolo que representa el perpetuo movimiento de la creación […]


Opening: DESI Roots and Wings

National Indo-American Museum 815 S Main St, Lombard, IL, United States

The exhibition is an exploration of the heritage and experiences of Indian Immigrants to the United States, addressing such topics as: The meaning of the word “desi” representing a collective […]
