Virtual Fireside Chat – Women in Philanthropy and Social Enterprise

Online Event

Join MALA for a fireside discussion centered on the leadership of women in the philanthropic and entrepreneurial space. Our special guest, Khitam Masoud, will sit down with MALA Co-Founder Zainab Khan to discuss her journey in philanthropy and social enterprise and share advice for other women navigating these fields. _______________ About Khit: Khit is a […]


Livewire- NIAM’s Open Mic

National Indo-American Museum 815 S Main St, Lombard, IL, United States

Livewire is your Open Mic platform to jam, tell us a story, act your heart out, enthrall with a verse, drop the mic... You bring the talent we’ll bring the […]


Artecito Virtual – Caballo

Online Event

¡Los caballos tienen 10 músculos diferentes en las orejas y esto les permite girar casi 180 grados! ¡Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos más sobre los caballos con nuestros amigos en Lincoln Park Zoo! Contáctese aquí: ____________________________________ Horses have 10 different muscles in their ears and this allows them to rotate nearly 180 degrees! Join […]


Isla que Vuela

Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center 4046 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago, IL, United States

" Isla que vuela" es una instalación fotográfica de José Arturo Ballester Panelli. Trabaja la geometría sagrada , escogiendo el hexágono, símbolo que representa el perpetuo movimiento de la creación […]


Devouring Empires: Transmitting Sacrit Tongues

Online Event

TIES is excited to announce DEVOURING EMPIRES, an evening of poetry by Demian DinéYazhi' @heterogeneoushomosexual and Joss Barton @ganjacum_! Join us Thursday, July 28 at 7 pm CDT for this virtual event hosted by TIES and @centernativefutures. Register for free at the link in our bio or _______________ Devouring Empires is a Trans, Non-Binary, and […]

Opening: DESI Roots and Wings

National Indo-American Museum 815 S Main St, Lombard, IL, United States

The exhibition is an exploration of the heritage and experiences of Indian Immigrants to the United States, addressing such topics as: The meaning of the word “desi” representing a collective […]
