Spotkanie z Regin? Wasiak-Taylor (Meet-the-Author with Regina Wasiak-Taylor)

Polish Museum of America 984 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL, United States

Biblioteka Muzeum Polskiego w Ameryce serdecznie zaprasza na spotkanie z Reginą Wasiak-Taylor Regina Wasiak-Taylor polska pisarka, prezes Związku Pisarzy Polskich na Obczyźnie redaktor naczelna londyńskiego pisma „Pamiętnik Literacki”, czasopismo to jest organem Związku Pisarzy Polskich na Obczyźnie, do którego należeli znani członkowie Polonii amerykańskiej: Feliks Konarski Ref-Ren i prof. Jerzy Krzyżanowski Spotkanie odbędzie się w […]

JASC Farewell Party for Clark Street Building

Japanese American Services Committee 4427 N. Clark, Chicago, Illinois, United States

Stop by JASC for one last goodbye! We’re opening our doors to the community for food and farewells on Friday, March 29th from 3-6pm. RSVPs are appreciated (but not required) online here or call the office at (773) 275-0097.

Free Book Talk Event with the Chinese American Museum of Chicago

Chinese American Museum of Chicago 238 W. 23rd St, Chicago, IL, United States

Free Book Talk Event Saturday, March 30th From 11am-12pm Chinese American Museum, 238 W 23rd St, Chicago, IL 60616, Located on the 4th floor Join Dr. Li for a discussion based on her book “Transpacific Cartographies: Narrating theContemporary Chinese Diaspora in the United States” (Rutgers University Press, 2023), which examines how contemporary Chinese diasporic narratives […]

Roots of Reform: A Woman’s Place is…?

Online Event

Early Chicago female reformers left a legacy that influences public policy and social justice activism to this day. Join us as we explore their place… where they lived, worked, and made a difference in Chicago through the safety net they wove. It’s important in Chicago to recognize the contributions of women to social, economic, and […]


Puerto Rican Archives: Preserving Community Memory Symposium

The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture 3015 W Division Street, Chicago, IL, United States

Puerto Rican Archives: Preserving Community Memory is a two-day symposium focused on the political potency of Puerto Rican archives—both on the island and in the diaspora. The symposium is a […]

Puerto Rican Archives: Preserving Community Memory Symposium

The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture 3015 W Division Street, Chicago, IL, United States

Puerto Rican Archives: Preserving Community Memory is a two-day symposium focused on the political potency of Puerto Rican archives—both on the island and in the diaspora. The symposium is a […]


South Side Community Art Center 3831 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL, United States

Paul Branton, artist and curator of SSCAC's current exhibition Bending Light, will facilitate an artist talk with the exhibiting artists of SSCAC's current exhibition Bending Light, detailing the exhibition’s themes and subject matter as it relates to explorations of color and identity. The artists explore the impact of color on Black identity, potential, and the […]

If The Sky Could Dream: Art, Climate, Community, and Social Change

Heritage Museum of Asian Art 3500 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL, United States

As part of EXPO ART WEEK, Elizabeth Corr, Associate Director of Arts and Cultural Partnerships at the National Resources Defense Council, discusses environmental activism in art, including past exhibitions at EXPO Chicago, in conversation with a performance installation by Irene Hsiao, as part of the Heritage Museum of Asian Art's Year of the Dragon: Early […]

Scottish American History Forum

Date: April 13 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am Location: Topic: Scottish American Military Society – The Legacy and the Pride Presenter: Kenneth A. Lloyd, National Commander, The Scottish American Military Society, USA

Fresh Legacies: A Conversation with Joel Hall Dance Center

Newberry Library 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, IL, United States

How did the Joel Hall Dancers get their start? What’s their future? How do you keep a Chicago legacy fresh and vibrant - while championing new visions and growth? Join Co-Founder and Artistic Director Emeritus Joel Hall and Interim Artistic Director William Gill in conversation with Nicole Clarke-Springer, artistic director for Deeply Rooted Dance Theatre, […]


Artist Tour With Indrani Nayer-Gall

South Asia Institute 1925 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL, United States

Dive deep into The Paglees: Between Reason and Madness, where you will have a rare opportunity to ask a Paglee questions. Indrani Nayer-Gall is a member of The Paglees Collective and an interdisciplinary artist-activist. She weaves global narratives of marginalization, patriarchy, and misogyny through her practice in installation, 2-D/3-D media and moving image. Read more […]

The Trial of Pericles

Harris Theatre for Music and Dance 205 E. Randolph Drive, Chicago, IL, United States

This is the latest installment of NHM’s Trial Series that takes legal cases and controversies from the pages of history and tries them before an audience to demonstrate the enduring relevance of these ancient disputes. You will witness talented legal minds litigating the fate of Pericles, known as the great hero of Athenian democracy. In […]

Rebranding Focus Group: Native/Indigenous Community

Mitchell Museum of the American Indian 3001 central street, Evanston, IL, United States

As the Mitchell Museum continues the next steps in our community-driven rebranding journey, we will host a series of hybrid focus groups to seek valuable input from the Native community, our members, and partners. We invite the local Native/Indigenous community to help shape the museum’s future and share your input and ideas at our rebranding […]

Event Series Stammtisch Open Haus, Every 3rd Friday

Stammtisch Open Haus, Every 3rd Friday

DANK Haus German American Cultural Center 4740 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL, United States

Feiern Sie mit uns! Our monthly Open Haus Stammtisch is a great way to meet new friends and enjoy a little Gemütlichkeit over some delicious German food and drink! Theme TBD Food and drink will be available for purchase. Free parking at 5/3 Bank after 6:00 PM located at Western and Gunnison

Four Thousand Years Blooming in a Cup: A Spring Gathering of Tea Meditation Workshop with Juliann Wang

Heritage Museum of Asian Art 3500 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL, United States

Each day we begin anew, a cycle that persists since the dawn time. Each moment we encounter is its own universe. Tea is fabled to have existed in human culture for more than 4,500 years, but only as a daily beverage since the third century. Through tea we encounter the new and the old, the […]

Palestinian Tatreez Demonstration

Field Museum 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL, United States

Through needle, thread and color, the art of Tatreez tells a story about the maker and history of their family. Tatreez, or embroidery, is a rich artistic tradition that has been passed down across generations in Arab culture. It is typically used on garments with patterns and colors varying between birds, trees, flowers and geometric […]