Feiern Sie mit uns! Our monthly Open Haus Stammtisch is a great way to meet new friends and enjoy a little Gemütlichkeit over some delicious German food and drink! Theme TBD Food and drink will be available for purchase. Free parking at 5/3 Bank after 6:00 PM located at Western and Gunnison
This is the latest installment of NHM’s Trial Series that takes legal cases and controversies from the pages of history and tries them before an audience to demonstrate the enduring relevance of these ancient disputes. You will witness talented legal minds litigating the fate of Pericles, known as the great hero of Athenian democracy. In […]
As the Mitchell Museum continues the next steps in our community-driven rebranding journey, we will host a series of hybrid focus groups to seek valuable input from the Native community, our members, and partners. We invite the local Native/Indigenous community to help shape the museum’s future and share your input and ideas at our rebranding […]
Each day we begin anew, a cycle that persists since the dawn time. Each moment we encounter is its own universe. Tea is fabled to have existed in human culture for more than 4,500 years, but only as a daily beverage since the third century. Through tea we encounter the new and the old, the […]