Transforming Fundraisers

I, United States

Moderator: Suzy Kahn Weinberg & Adam Yoffe (Big Shoulders Stories) Panelists: Josey Nieto, Nitha Nagubadi Aspirations to reopen our cultural centers are on everyone’s minds. Yet, many of the creative virtual tools developed and harnessed over the past year to amplify our stories and make our collections accessible to wider audiences have become key to […]

Contested Narratives: Chicago’s Monuments

I, United States

Moderator: Tiffany Tolbert, National Trust for Historic Preservation Panelists: Jaime Rivera , Sherry Williams, Joi Boose, Elsie Hector Hernandez Monuments and memorials frame our built environment in Chicago, both reflecting and impacting our civic life. Concern over which figures are memorialized is not new. However, over the past year the global pandemic and racial justice […]

New Frontiers in Digitization: Amplifying Stories

I, United States

Moderator: Laurence Anthonie Taumpag, Filipino American Historical Society of Chicago Panelists: Kate Flynn, Jorge Felix, Halyna Sarancha Over the past two decades museum and archives professionals have been inundated with rallying cries to digitize, digitize, digitize. But digitized collections do not constitute an end, in and of themselves.  Participants in this session will learn how […]

Strategies for Local Advocacy in the Arts

I, United States

Moderator: Jonathan VanderBrug, Arts Alliance Illinois Panelist: Ben Lau, Ahmed Flex Omar, Gabriela Juarez Advocacy is critical to organizational sustainability. It is imperative that non-profit leaders, especially those working in the cultural sector, foster strong working relationships with their local representatives, including alder-people, officials in chambers of commerce, and visitors’ bureaus. Learn some of the […]

The Significance of Community Gardens

I, United States

Moderator: Tony Pena, Chicago Botanic Garden Panelists:Sherry Williams, Michael Howard, Mario Longoni, Mattie Wilson, Angela Taylor and Johnnie Owens A panel of community stakeholders, urban agriculturalists, and environmental anthropologists will discuss the significance of community gardens in the wake of COVID-19. Community gardens are a source of wellness and are especially pertinent to local engagement […]

Intersections in Art and Educational Curriculum

I, United States

Moderator: William Estrada, Artist and Educator, Chicago Public Schools and UIC Panelists: Carlos Bossard, Kay Kihwa Rho, Julia deBettencourt, Helena Swanson-Nystrom, Robin Koelsch Learn the most effective strategies for crafting an educational curriculum that will harness your cultural insight and share your community’s stories with Chicagoland youth. William Estrada educator, artist, and specialist in arts […]

Trivia Night

I, United States

Let’s all gather together for a bit of fun to lift a glass and celebrate the cultural sector! Join us for trivia night! With much gratitude to our co-hosts, the amazing team at DANK Haus for bringing their spirit of adventure and knowledge of trivia to the table. Trivia Night will involve questions pertaining to […]

Virtual Yoga Livestreamed from Garfield Park Conservatory

    Garfield Park Conservatory

    Join us for this one-hour virtual yoga session from the comforts of your own home with the Conservatory as the background. Pre-registration is required so we can send you a link to join, and space is limited. Registration closes at 10:00am when the session begins. Automated live captioning is available. This class is free but […]

    Virtual Pysanka Workshops (Ukrainian Easter Egg)

    I, United States

    We are excited to once again announce the Pysanky (Easter Egg) Workshops at the Ukrainian National Museum. This year we offer them online via Zoom! Class schedule from10:00 am to 1:00 p.m. Hurry and select a date which best suits you. Take note of the deadline. ·        Saturday, April 3  –   Registration deadline March 22, 2021 ·        Saturday, April 10 –   Registration […]


    Archiving Cook County

    I, United States

    Presenter: Skyla Hearn, Cook County Historic Archives   The Cook County Historic Archives and Records Office (CARO) is responsible for compiling local governmental records, past and present, in Cook County, as well as preserving the history of our region, and explaining the role the county played in the growth and development of the region, state, and […]

    Introduction to Digital Outreach & Hybridization

    I, United States

    Presented by: Jeremy Bucher and Cairo Dye, National Hellenic Museum National Hellenic Museum staff will discuss the various means of digital outreach they have employed during the pandemic to encourage continued engagement and expand audiences. They will discuss the benefits of generating online content as a means to engage with wider and more diverse audiences […]

    Virtual Yoga Livestreamed from Garfield Park Conservatory

      Garfield Park Conservatory

      Join us for this one-hour virtual yoga session from the comforts of your own home with the Conservatory as the background. Pre-registration is required so we can send you a link to join, and space is limited. Registration closes at 10:00am when the session begins. Automated live captioning is available. This class is free but […]

      Virtual Pysanka Workshops (Ukrainian Easter Egg)

      I, United States

      We are excited to once again announce the Pysanky (Easter Egg) Workshops at the Ukrainian National Museum. This year we offer them online via Zoom! Class schedule from10:00 am to 1:00 p.m. Hurry and select a date which best suits you. Take note of the deadline. ·        Saturday, April 3  –   Registration deadline March 22, 2021 ·        Saturday, April 10 –   Registration […]


      Virtual Yoga Livestreamed from Garfield Park Conservatory

        Garfield Park Conservatory

        Join us for this one-hour virtual yoga session from the comforts of your own home with the Conservatory as the background. Pre-registration is required so we can send you a link to join, and space is limited. Registration closes at 10:00am when the session begins. Automated live captioning is available. This class is free but […]

        Virtual Yoga Livestreamed from Garfield Park Conservatory

          Garfield Park Conservatory

          Join us for this one-hour virtual yoga session from the comforts of your own home with the Conservatory as the background. Pre-registration is required so we can send you a link to join, and space is limited. Registration closes at 10:00am when the session begins. Automated live captioning is available. This class is free but […]

          Virtual Yoga Livestreamed from Garfield Park Conservatory

            Garfield Park Conservatory

            Join us for this one-hour virtual yoga session from the comforts of your own home with the Conservatory as the background. Pre-registration is required so we can send you a link to join, and space is limited. Registration closes at 10:00am when the session begins. Automated live captioning is available. This class is free but […]

            Virtual Yoga Livestreamed from Garfield Park Conservatory

              Garfield Park Conservatory

              Join us for this one-hour virtual yoga session from the comforts of your own home with the Conservatory as the background. Pre-registration is required so we can send you a link to join, and space is limited. Registration closes at 10:00am when the session begins. Automated live captioning is available. This class is free but […]

              Virtual Yoga Livestreamed from Garfield Park Conservatory

                Garfield Park Conservatory

                Join us for this one-hour virtual yoga session from the comforts of your own home with the Conservatory as the background. Pre-registration is required so we can send you a link to join, and space is limited. Registration closes at 10:00am when the session begins. Automated live captioning is available. This class is free but […]