Reevaluating Our Resources: Digital and Hybrid Events and Exhibitions for the Future

Reevaluating Our Resources: Digital and Hybrid Events and Exhibitions for the Future

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 25


Surinder Martignetti, Community Engagement Manager for See Chicago Dance

Frank Konrath, Media Specialist at See Chicago Dance

Kate Flynn, Portal Manager for Chicago Collections Consortium


Suzy Kahn Weinberg, Executive Producer of Big Shoulders Stories

Join Surinder Martignetti Frank Konrath from See Chicago Dance and Kate Flynn the Chicago Collections Consortium as they discuss the work of creating digital and hybrid events and exhibitions in the context of reevaluating our attitudes and understanding of these mediums. They’ll also consider how they can be thought of and seen as resources for future arts and cultural endeavors.

Thinking Creatively about Museum Collaborations and Partnerships

Thinking Creatively about Museum Collaborations and Partnerships

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 25


Patti Sherman-Cisler, Executive Director, Jewish Museum Milwaukee

Joe Imholte, Executive Vice President, Bakken Museum


Charity Counts, Executive Director, Association of Midwest Museums

In this session, speakers from two Midwest museums will share recent creative partnerships they’ve undertaken, and discuss the opportunities, challenges, and results of thinking creatively about collaborative projects.

Oral History: From Past to Public

Oral History: From Past to Public

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 24


Erin McCarthy, Associate Professor of History; Interim Chair Communication Department, Columbia College Chicago

Peter Fitzpatrick, Professor of Photography; Special Advisor Community Engagement
Office of the Provost, Columbia College Chicago

Heidi Marshall, Head of Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago

Brianna Yrene Ramirez, Filmmaking (BA); Archives Assistant & Intern Columbia College Chicago

Adiam Belai Woldu, English (BA); Archives Assistant & Intern Columbia College Chicago

Jeremy Bucher, Collections & Archives Manager, National Hellenic Museum

Listen in on a conversation between representatives of Columbia College Chicago research team, Erin McCarthy, Heidi Marshall, Peter Fitzpatrick, and Jeremy Bucher of the National Hellenic Museum as they discuss their shared history in Oral History Archiving and how it has evolved to bring the collection to the public eye.

What Cutting Edge Research Tells Us About How Arts and Culture Donors Are Behaving

What Cutting Edge Research Tells Us About How Arts and Culture Donors Are Behaving

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 23


Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand, Neon One

This session will present an overview of critical research occurring throughout our sector on the transitioning behavior of donors. Utilizing data from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, Visa’s Global Analytics and Insights Payment Panel Data on Charitable Giving, and philanthropic psychology research we will look to understand the reality of how donors are behaving, why they are giving, and what arts and cultural nonprofit fundraisers can do to not react how donors have behaved in the past but instead anticipate behavioral trends for the future.

Session sponsored by Neon One

Accessibility and Inclusion: In Conversation with Culture

Accessibility and Inclusion: In Conversation with Culture

Activating Heritage 2022 – March 22


Carlos Hevia, Director of Business Development, Multilingual Connections

Christena Gunther, Founder and President, Chicago Cultural Accessibility Consortium


Karin Moen Abercrombie, Executive Director, Swedish American Museum

In this session, speakers Carlos Hevia of Multilingual Connections and Christena Gunther of the Chicago Cultural Accessibility Consortium will present on the ways in which cultural institutions can think expansively about what it means to be accessible and inclusive to diverse populations. Karin Moen Abercrombie of the Swedish American Museum will moderate.

Session sponsored by Multilingual Connections.
ASL Interpretation services provided by Interprenet.