Member Application


  • Membership dues are paid annually every January. At this time you will also update us on new contacts for any staff members from your organization.
  • Designate a liaison staff member(s) from your organization as a primary contact to the CCA.
  • Attend the Annual Meeting in January and the Activating Heritage conference in spring of each year, and participate in other planning or collaborative meetings.
  • Recognize the CCA community as a reciprocal relationship by sharing resources including marketing, program content, and operations.
  • Consider serving as a Board Member or a Committee Member to become more actively involved in the strategic decision making that activates our mission.
  • If approved as a Core Member, provide strategic oversight as part of the Leadership Council, made up of Core Member CEOs or Executive Directors.

Core Membership Dues

Annual Operating Budget Size

Dues Amount

Less than $75,000












Over $15,000,000


Partner Membership Dues

Annual Operating Budget Size

Dues Amount

Less than $299,999










Over $15,000,000


Member Application

  • Chicago Cultural Alliance connects, promotes, and supports centers of cultural heritage for a more inclusive Chicago. With its beginnings at The Field Museum in collaboration with Chicago’s ethnic museums in 1998, the Alliance began as a formal non-profit organization in 2008. Our culture is deeply rooted in our member voices with the aim to bring together like-minded arts and culture professionals to transform the way we think about cultural inclusion and diversity. While Core Members are centers of immigrant and native heritage, Partner Members represent a wide range of nonprofit fields including museums, universities, and media to name a few. Partner Members are champions of inclusion and committed to long-term cross-cultural learning and collaboration within in their organizations and for the broader public. If you share a commitment to inclusion and diversity, we look forward to receiving your application!
  • General Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Membership Dues are based on the Organizational Budget
  • Application Questions

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I certify that the Organization is located in the Chicago Metropolitan area, has federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or is waiting for approval, that it receives less than 50% funding from country of origin including political or government affiliated entities. I understand that the Organization must be willing to engage and actively participate with the Alliance, including -but not limited to- attendance at meetings and collaboration with other members.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • If you have any questions, contact Programs Manager: Michael Scott at or call (312) 519-0761.